Sunday, January 11, 2015

Carrying On

January 05, 2015
I'm doing fine, just trying to do everything I can for the next 3 weeks before I leave for my last area. Haha it sounds like a lot less when you say 15 weeks instead of 107 days. I can't believe it’s going that fast. It feels like I have a lot longer than that. I believe that as long as you do all you can to see the good in others and do everything you can to focus on that instead of the bad qualities, you'll see your image of them change a lot. I had a big lesson in that this past week.
This week was pretty cool; it was one of my best weeks for numbers on my mission so far! On Monday we had a Less Active lesson. On Tuesday we went out to Skegness and spent the day going by everyone we could find that lived out there. It's a 40 minute train ride so when you go you kind of have to make the most of it. Kind of like Entiat for our missionaries I'm sure. We found a few people had moved, but we did get in and get to teach someone eventually. Every once in a while, Elder Limb and I go through all of the potentials and formers and call everyone to see if we can set up an appointment. Well this week we actually had someone call back! His name is John and he is originally from Nigeria, but he is working as a general practitioner while he's in England. We had an awesome first lesson with him, but unfortunately he'll be moving to Nottingham soon, so we'll hand him over to them. On Wednesday, Elder Limb and I had a bonfire out the back of our house to celebrate the New Year and then we spent the beginning of Thursday doing weekly planning. We had lunch with a member and dinner with another member. It was pretty fun. On Friday we had district meeting, a dinner appointment and Mary’s, an appointment with Autumn (we taught the plan of salvation and she's doing really well.) and then we were invited to the YSA activity. It was a pretty awesome day. Saturday we taught Sean the word of wisdom, which he is already keeping for the most part! Just tea is his problem. We finished the day contacting a couple of referrals. Sunday was very normal finding. That was about it! Hope you guys have an awesome week!
I love you!! Tell grandma and grandpa I love them!
Elder Sorensen

1 comment:

  1. What a great lesson - look for the good! I'm happy to hear it was a productive week.
